Major Roadway Announcement: Full Funding Reinstated for Elvis Presley Blvd.

September 26, 2024. Memphis, Tenn
. The City of Memphis, in collaboration with our regional Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), is excited to announce the reinstatement of full funding in the amount of $8,980,000 for streetscape improvements along the middle segment of Elvis Presley Blvd.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation has confirmed the obligation of this funding, which will facilitate critical infrastructure improvements along Elvis Presley Blvd, from South of Winchester Road to Craft Road. This work will continue the progress that has previously been completed on the northern portion of Elvis Presley Blvd. Deputy Governor and TDOT Commissioner Butch Eley said, “we are pleased to be part of this partnership with the city and MPO in securing the needed funding to advance this project. This is a great example of what happens when the state and localities work to collaboratively solve a problem on behalf of Tennesseans.”

The reinstatement of this funding marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to enhance and improve road conditions. The City of Memphis is dedicated to ensuring the successful implementation of the Elvis Presley Blvd project, and we look forward to the positive impact it will have on our region, and especially within the Whitehaven community.

For project info on the current phase view Elvis Presley Blvd. middle segment plans here.