Help Me Find My People

Orange Mound Library 843 Dallas St, Memphis, TN, United States

Genealogy is a continuous journey. It is a collection of stories woven across generations, a tapestry intertwined with experiences, history, and shared identity. The more you learn about your ancestors, […]

The Newborn Jazz and Arts Heritage Festival

Orange Mound Library 843 Dallas St, Memphis, TN, United States

Join us for a this intergenerational arts and music festival inspired by the legacy of Calvin and Phineas Newborn! There will be artist talks by Violet Newborn and Marcella Simien […]

Starting A Business from Scratch

Orange Mound Library 843 Dallas St, Memphis, TN, United States

Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Classes - Memphis Public Libraries Memphis Public Libraries is providing continuing education and lifelong learning classes designed to give people an opportunity to grow in their professional and personal lives by offering 4 intense weeks of study in various subject areas. May 10, 17, 24, 31