Internal Audit Documents

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Our audit engagements are performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards.  At the conclusion of each audit engagement, an audit report is prepared to communicate the results of our audit findings.  The audit reports are distributed to the Mayor and appropriate members of management.  The audit reports are also available to the public.

Report Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Misuse

The City’s Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Misuse hotline provides employees, vendors, and business partners with a system to report and obtain feedback regarding potential acts of fraud, waste, abuse and/or misuse of City resources. Also, employees may report unethical behavior, safety, and policy violations. 

 When warranted, we prepare investigative reports to communicate investigative results.  Fraud investigative reports are considered confidential records and therefore exempt from public inspection.  Effective March 30, 2019, we no longer post fraud investigative reports to our report repository. 

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